Creativity loading..


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Arts is knowing which ones to keep.

Creativity allows us to do some self introspections and to observe the world around us. It's provides us with tools to access creativity and problem solving techniques. Supports learning in following goal personal and social areas.

What's phenomenal about creativity is that, it enables us to see the world in a different angle. It brings that artistic creature in you and it sometimes weird in everyone's eyes, but real to you, and some may criticize you for being you and because you know the reason why you're like that you literally don't care.

Creativity makes your brain broad, and think laterally and that is normal because you are an artist. A creative person has an ability to invent and  develop original ideas like an artist. Creativity is a venture that we all take, having fun taking risk and most importantly inventing.

Creativity is just connecting things. Everything you can imagine is real. A essential aspects of creativity is not being afraid to fail because fail is real. A wise man once said that," success consist of going from failure to failure without lose of enthusiasm". When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms. Creativity is seeing something that does not exist and make if exist, weird? No it's creativity.

" Without creativity there would be no progress, and we would be forever the same pattern" by Edward De Bono


  1. I never never thought you had this kind of passion for creativity and how it makes to you see the world I'm different angles I respect that


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