Time Management
A wise man once said "Time wait for no man" and that is true.
Time is the most precious thing in the world, because it comes once and never come back, thus we have to respect time. There is this famous quote "time is money 💰, funny right? But true at the same time. We all love to say that, but the question is do we respect time? It is a question we all have to ask ourselves, do I respect time? From my own perspective we don't respect time because if we did we wouldn't say "if only I did this", and that is REGRETS.
There's time for everything. Everything that we do must be efficient. I personally tend to invest my time on things that are inefficient and end up regretting, singing Teddy Pandergrass song "In my time".
We always have to manage our time wisely so that we can not feel contrite about it. Time Management is significant because it has taught me discipline and punctuality. When I have an assignments to do, I make sure that I submit on time, because if I don't I will lose marks and opportunities. Opportunities come once and go for good, you'll have to look for another opportunity, and that will be late.
There's something called promptness, you always have to be at work or at school on time, it signals that you take your job or your school seriously and care about deadlines. Always manage your time wisely.
Mmmh love it!